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I)The Jewish Year
Book of Our Heritage, by Eliyahu Kitov, translated to English by Nathan Bulman - Laws, customs and history of the Jewish holidays. 3 volumes.
Concise Code of Jewish Law: A Guide to the Observance of Shabbat
Shemirat Shabbat, by Yehoshua Neuwirth, English prepared by W. Grangewood with Hebrew Author (Feldheim) - Detailed and extensive compilation of the laws of Shabbat.
The Sabbath, by Dayan Dr. Isidor Grunfield - A classic analysis of the concept of "work" on Shabbos, and the philosophy of Shabbos.
Sabbath: Day of Eternity, by Aryeh Kaplan (NCSY) - Concise explanation of the philosophy of Shabbos and its significance and central role in Judaism.
III)Yom Tov
Book of Our Heritage, by Eliyahu Kitov, translated to English by Nathan Bulman - Laws, customs and history of the Jewish holidays. 3 volumes.
Keeping Kosher in a Non-Kosher World (small pamphlet)- Eliezer Woolf
​For the online sound version, go here
The Jewish Dietary Laws, by Dr. Isidor Grunfield - Detailed treatise on the laws of kashrus and the agricultural laws applicable in Israel. 2 volumes.
Kashruth, by Yacov Lipshutz (Artscroll) - The dietary laws in contemporary society.
V)Family Purity and Personal Modesty
Waters of Eden by Aryeh Kaplan. Mystical significance of the mikvah and the laws of family purity.
The Challenge of Marriage-Sima Basri
The Magic Touch-Gila Manolson
Jewish Marriage: A Halakhic Ethic- Reuven Bulka
A Hedges of Roses- Norman Lamm
Pardes Rimonim- Moshe Tendler
VI)Theology/Principles of Faith
With Perfect Faith- David Bleich
Handbook of Jewish Belief – Aryeh Kaplan
Maimondides’ Principles: The Fundamentals of Jewish Faith- Aryeh Kaplan
This is My God- Herman Wouk
An Introduction to Medieval Jewish Philosophy – Daniel Rynhold
The Nineteen Letters-Shamshon Raphael Hirsch
Judaism and Christianity-Trude Weiss-Rosmarin
VII)Brachot and Prayer
Siddur – Koren or Artscroll
The Art of Jewish Prayer – Yitzchok Kirzner
A Guide to Blessings – NCSY Pamphlet
​For the online version, go here
To Pray as a Jew – Hayim Halevy Donin
IX)Process of Jewish Law
The Concise Book of Mitzvot, compiled by the Chofetz Chaim- A very concise index of today's mitzvot with special section on Eretz Yisrael.
The Taryag Mitzvos, by Rabbi Aharon Yisrael Kahan - A concise compilation with stories and philosophical reasons culled from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic Sources.
X)Jewish Life Cycle
The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning - Maurice Lamm
The Jewish Way in Love and Marriage – Maurice Lamm
To Raise a Jewish Child – Hayim Halevy Donin
XI)Torah and Commentary
Love Your Neighbor, by Zelig Pliskin - Traditional sources and stories about human relationships
Studies in the Weekly Portion- English translation 6 volumes on the entire Torah-Nechama Liebowitz
Five Books of Moses (Translated with Rashi’s Commentaries)- Silverman Edition, Metsudah
The Artscroll Chumash- Mesorah
Horeb, by Samson Raphael Hirsch - An in-depth philosophical interpretation of Jewish laws and observances.
The Living Torah- Aryeh Kaplan
Ethics of Our Fathers – Irving Bunim or other edition (Reuven Bulka, Shlomo Riskin etc.)
​For the online version, go here
XIII)Jewish History and Contemporary Judaism
Judaism: A Historical Presentation-Isadore Epstein
The Gifts of The Jews – Thomas Cahill
Crash Course in Jewish History – Ken Spiro
Understanding Judaism-Benjamin Blech
What You Thought You Knew About Judaism-Reuven Bulka
To Be A Jew- Hayim Halevy Donin
Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism-Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin
The Jew and His Home- Eliyahu Kitov
The Secret of Jewish Survival-David Aaron
Exodus-Leon Uris
Listening To God – Shlomo Riskin
Why the Jews-Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin
Doublelife – Harold Berman (about conversion)
Becoming A Jew-Maurice Lamm (about conversion)
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