I The Jewish Year
The Candidate should know the history and observance of each of the Jewish festivals and fasts, and to know the basic calendar of significant events during the year.
II The Laws of Shabbat
The candidate is to have a working knowledge of Shabbat in practice, including the serving and heating of foods.
III Yom Tov
The candidate should know the halachik differences between Shabbat and Yom Tov and the working halachot of the different festivals. Special emphasis is placed upon kashrut for Pesach.
IV Kashrut
The candidate should know which animals, fish and fowl are kosher. You should also know how meat becomes kosher, how to set up a kosher kitchen and how to select reliably supervised consumer products.
V Family Purity and Personal Modesty
The FEMALE candidate must know the laws of Taharat Hamishpacha.
MALE candidates should know all applicable laws.
VI Principles of Faith
The candidate should know Rambam’s Thirteen Principles of Faith, with a special emphasis on the differences between Judaism and Christianity.
VII B’rachot and Prayer
Male candidates should be davening three times a day, ideally with a minyan. Female candidates should daven Shacharit and Mincha. The candidate should be familiar with all relevant blessings, with a special emphasis on the blessings before and after food, for hand washing, and for the bathroom.
VIII Hebrew
The candidate should be able to read Hebrew in order to follow the service in the synagogue.
IX Process of Jewish Law
Familiarity with the process of Jewish Law and how our practices have developed, beginning with the Torah and continuing through the Talmud, and later rabbinical authorities (the Mesorah).
X Jewish Life Cycle
Birth, Shalom Zachor, Brit Milah, Pidyon-Haben, Bar-Bat Mitzvah, Marriage, Death and Burial.
XI Torah and Commentary
Familiarity with the basic outline of the Torah and main commentaries (Rashi, Ramban etc.) Awareness of lists of Taryag (613) Mitzvot (Rambam, Sefer HaChinuch).
XII Ethics
Knowledge of Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers) and other main areas of ethics (business, medical etc.).
XIII Jewish History and Contemporary Judaism
Basic understanding and outline of Jewish History, as well as an understanding of contemporary Orthodoxy, and modern Israel.